Happy New Year! New Schedule, more classes, and my morning ramblings...
Good morning and Happy New Year! We're very excited to have added new classes to our 2017 winter schedule. We are still offering the $65 unlimited monthly passes for all regularly scheduled classes.
As B. K. S. Iyengar said - “Penetration of our mind is our goal, but in the beginning to set things in motion, there is no substitute for sweat.” We want you all to be able to practice as much as you can and get a good sweat on. Maybe we'll even penetrate the mind at some point ;) No expectations though...
One quick little thought I wanted to bring up - One must not confuse living in the present moment or the "Now" with shear selfishness. With all the YOLO, "living in the now", seizing the opportunity, and being in the present moment stuff that comes up around this time of year, we must remember that's not an excuse to just be greedy and out for oneself. Yes, we should be present, seize opportunities, "live in the now", whatever we want to call it, but it should never harm someone else. When we make a decision to do something, we should look at how it effects others. This can be done on a worldly level or a smaller, local level - maybe your work associates, friends, kids, family, partner... If we're not proud of the decision and wouldn't want every one to know about it, chances are, it's a bad one. If we need to contemplate whether it's the right thing to do, it may very well not be. If it benefits us or feeds our desires but could very well hurt others, do we still consider this being present and "living in the now"? Maybe so, but what kind of "now" is it? And furthermore, if we're not telling everyone the whole story, then that story is a lie.
Those are my quick ramblings for the morning. Thoughts anyone? Who's excited to make some good for everyone decisions this year?!?